Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Than Fine

[Picture 1: Stan, Candy. Picture 2: Edward]
Hi Everyone! For the past two months, my life in China has been a whirlwind. And as far as whirlwinds go, it's been pretty good. Better than good -- it's been amazing! Sure, there have been a few bumps now and then. Like when I broke my arm while mountain-biking (it is healed already). Or when my city was at the epicenter of a small 4.7 earthquake (no one was hurt). And there's the stress of trying to beat med school deadlines with limited internet access. Overall, though, things are great. The bumps have been overshadowed by heaps of new friends and memories. Since I last wrote (a long long time ago, in a country far far away) I've traveled in Southern China, ran a week long English camp (by far the highlight of my time here), started teaching summer classes, and done a million other things. Don't worry, it is well documented. I can't wait to share pictures and video clips with everyone when I get back -- in 2 weeks! What!