Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Life goal... check.

Les Miserables is this mammoth beauty that's been on the back burner my whole life.  Every few years it taps my shoulder, I turn, then cower, then retreat.  But I couldn't resist forever.  Like a sand castle ignoring the ocean, I was eventually sucked in.
This week I finished it.
And sorry Lord of the Rings, but I might have a new favorite book.  Every page is epic, profound, and sublime.  Well, almost every page... he likes to digress at times.
Don't worry, I won't spoil anything -- not that you could.  Even if you've memorized the musical, it doesn't ruin it.  And this is coming from someone appalled by spoilers.  It's as different from the musical as reading a blog about China is from being there.
You should read it.